Gaël Brulé, PhD


Peer-reviewed articles (selection)

  1. Brulé, G.


    The environmental cost of happiness.

    Lausanne: Episteme.

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  2. Brulé, G.


    Evaluation of Existing Indexes of Sustainable Well-Being and Propositions for Improvement.

    Sustainability, 14(2):1027.

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  3. Brulé, G.


    About the difficulties (and possible solutions) to confront conflicting narratives: the case study of sustainability and well-being.

    Sozialpolitik, 1(4), 1-14.

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  4. Lambert, L., Warren, M. A., Brulé, G., Passmore, H.-A., Zelenski, J., O’Brien, C., Murray, S., Asfour, M., Mulay-Shah, A., & Alsubaiei, S.


    Using positive psychology and the United Nations sustainable development goals to build a better world.

    Middle East Journal of positive psychology, 6.

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  5. Brulé, G., Ravazzini, L., & Suter, C.


    The roaring 50s. The relationship between car wealth and Subjective Well-Being of seniors in Europe.

    Applied research of quality of life.

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  6. Ravazzini, L., Kuhn, U., Brulé, G., & Suter, C.


    Housing wealth in survey data in Switzerland.

    Journal of economic and social measurement, 44, 25-55.

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  7. Brulé, G., Ravazzini, L. & Suter, C.


    Wealth inequality and subjective well-being among seniors in Europe.

    Revue Européenne des Sciences Sociales, 57 (2), 81-110.

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  8. Brulé, G., & Ravazzini, L.


    The four forms of wealth and happiness: how different forms of wealth affect the subjective well-being of the elderly in Europe.

    In Brulé and Suter (Eds). Wealth(s) and SWB. Springer: Dordrecht.

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  9. Kuhn, U. & Brulé, G.


    Buffering Effects for Negative Life Events: The Role of Material, Social, Religious and Personal Resources.

    Journal of happiness studies, 20 (5), 1397-1417.

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  10. Brulé, G. & Veenhoven, R.


    The '10 excess' phenomenon in responses to survey questions on happiness.

    Social Indicators Research, 131(2), 853-870.

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  11. Brulé, G. & Veenhoven, R.


    Geography of happiness: components of happiness in 133 Nations.

    International Journal of Happiness and Development, 2:2.

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  12. Brulé, G. & Veenhoven, R.


    Freedom and happiness in nations. Why the Finns are happier than the French.

    Psychology of Well-Being: Theory Research and Practice, 4:17.

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  13. Book chapters (selection)

  14. Brulé, G.


    Canonical basis of resilience: a meta-model of individual, socioeconomic and environmental resources.

    In Bentirou and Pomade (eds).Vulnérabilité(s) environnementale(s), pp 79-96. Paris: l'Harmattan.

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  15. Brulé, G.


    Does happiness have a place in sociology?

    In Martin-Krumm and Tarquinio (eds). Le grand manuel de la Psychologie Positive : théories et champs d’intervention, p. 165-180. Paris: Dunod.

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  16. Brulé, G.


    The Forgotten Dimensions of Social Capital: Evidence from Quality of Life Studies.

    In: Michalos A.C. (eds) The Pope of Happiness. Social Indicators Research Series, vol 82. Springer, Cham.

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  17. Brulé, G.


    Happiness, between modernity and postmodernity?

    In Hoquet and Lemaire(Eds) Penser et construire le bonheur; regards croisés. Paris: Mare et Martin.

  18. Brulé, G., Sapin, M., & Rossier, C.


    Social resources and well-being: Social support and access to strategic resources in 30 countries.

    Sciences & Bonheur, 5, 117–133.

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  19. Brulé, G.


    The 3I model to understand happiness.

    In Martin-Krumm and Tarquinio (Eds). Psychologie positive: état des savoirs, champs d'application et perspectives. Malakoff: Dunod.

  20. Brulé, G. & Suter, C.


    Why wealth is more important than income in terms of Subjective Well-being ?

    In Brulé and Suter (Eds). Wealth(s) and SWB. Springer: Dordrecht.

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  21. Brulé, G. & Maggino, F.


    Towards more complexity in subjective well-being studies.

    In Brulé G. and Maggino F. (Eds) Metrics of Subjective well-being, 1-17. Dordrecht : Springer.

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  22. Brulé, G. & Lepeytre, F.


    Planning in the light of interculturality. A look at the Garden Cities.

    In L.Bourdeau-Lepage (Eds) Nature en ville: Desirs & controverses, 126-135. Sarrant: La librairie des territoires.

  23. Brulé, G. & Veenhoven, R.


    Why are Latin Europeans less happy? The impact of social hierarchy.

    Polyphonic Anthropology - Theoretical and Empirical Cross-Cultural Fieldwork. ISBN 978-953-51-0418-6.